Are you in need of some fun behavior management tools to get your students' attention faster? Tired of the same old call-and-response system you're currently using? Attention-getters are a great way to positively build community and keep classroom behaviors in check. This blog contains a large list of call-and-responses to use in your dance class. But first...
While call-and-response methods are good, have you thought of using a doorbell to get your students' attention? This type of attention-getter fits my personality best. Plus, it works great as a reward system too. Not into rewards for expected behaviors? I'm not big into rewards either, but this is a perceived reward system that's free, provides student autonomy options, and it works for all ages.
The Doorbell Method
What you need: 1 or 2 door bell systems (~$10-15 USD each)
Chime #1 - 5 minute warning (optional)
Chime #2 - 5 seconds to freeze
How it works: While students are working, use chime #1 to alert them that they need to start wrapping up their work. When you play chime #2, all students must freeze and look at the teacher before the chime stops ringing.
Reward System: If all students are frozen at the end of the chime, they get one point. If someone is not frozen, the teacher gets one point. Keep a running tally all week long. At the end of the week, if the students have more points than the teacher, the classroom gets a reward. The following is a list of rewards that work well for my classroom:
10 minute dance party
Student music playlist day
End class early and hang-out
Watch dance videos
Themed dance day
Teach the teacher day
Learn a student picked dance.
That's all there is to it! It's easy to keep track of too, which is important. Now, onto the call and responses...Enjoy!
Physical Movement
Teacher: 5, 6, 7, 8.
Students: *Strike pose* <Optional: Shout school mascot>
Teacher: Spotlight on me!
Students: Spotlight on you *Pose with arms pointed to teacher as a pretend spotlight*
Teacher: Let me see those jazz hands.
Students: *Waves hands*
Teacher: It's time to show up...
Students: and shine! *make a rainbow arc with hands and wave fingers*
Teacher: Take it back!
Students: Take it waayyyyy back. *do the nae nae dance move*
Teacher: Everybody freeze...
Students: and squeeze! *give yourself a hug*
Teacher: Mannequin challenge!
Students: *Make a pose*
Music References
Teacher: I can hear your hands clap.
Students: *Claps*
Teacher: This is how we do it. (optional: spoken in the way of the Montell Jordan Song)
Students: *Imitates teacher*
Teacher: 123 o'clock 4 o'clock rock.
Students: 567 o'clock 8 o'clock stop!
Teacher: If you have a problem...
Students: Yo, I'll solve it!
Teacher: Too legit.
Students: Too legit to quit!
Primary Students
Teacher: Head, shoulders, knees and toes. *with movements*
Students: Knees and toes *with movements*
Teacher: Hands on top.
Students: That means stop.
Teacher: Hands on the hips.
Students: Button those lips.
Teacher: Everybody in the house...
Students: *Whispers* Is quiet as a mouse.
Teacher: Banana split.
Students: Now we sit.
Teacher: Quiet on the set.
Students: Action!
Teacher: Can I get a...
Students: Whoop, whoop!
Teacher: Zip it lock it...
Students: Put it in your pocket.
Teacher: To infinity...
Students: And beyond!
Teacher: Flat tire! or ¡Llanta ponchada!
Students: *Tsssss*
Teacher: Waterfall, waterfall.
Students: Shhhhhh. *rainfall fingers*
Teacher: Los pollitios dicen
Students: Pío, pío, pío *flap chicken wings*
Teacher: ¡Oye Amigo!
Students: ¡Déjame paz!
Teacher: ¿Qué tal?
Students: ¡General! *Salutes*
Teacher: Leaves are falling.
Students: Autumn's calling.
Teacher: Pumpkin, pumpkin orange and round...
Students: In the hallway don't make a sound.
Teacher: Hocus Pocus.
Students: Time to focus!
Teacher: They're creepy and they're kooky...
Students: Mysterious and spooky...
Teacher: They're all together ookie..
Everyone: The __(teacher's name)__ family *snap snap*
Teacher: Turkey, turkey.
Students: Gobble, gobble.
Teacher: Gobble, gobble close your beak.
Students: In the hallway we don't speak.
Teacher: Macaroni and Cheese!
Students: Everybody freeze!
Teacher: Sleigh bells ring.
Students: We are listening.
Teacher: Thumpity thump thump, thumpity thump thump...
Students: Look at Frosty go.
Teacher: Silent night.
Students: We are calm. We are bright.
Teacher: Run, run as fast as you can!
Students: You can't catch us. We're the gingerbread men! *run in place*