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Back to School 2024: Engaging Activities

Teenage girl with arms extended in the air getting off of a yellow school bus.

I just love back-to-school season. With new supplies and a refreshed atmosphere, how can you not enjoy it? Now, I realize some of you have already started classes or are even mid-year (shout out to our Australian subscribers!), but many of these activities can be used at any time of the year. So why not take a moment to reflect and try something new?

One priority I have during this back-to-school season is to use a variety of engaging activities to develop a strong community, even if they’re not dance-related. After all, the first days back from break can set the tone for the rest of the year or session. Below, you’ll find a variety of ideas to help you achieve that!

Free resources to get them moving and talking:

A black and white worksheet sitting on a light wood table. The worksheet displays a BINGO card table with prompts for students to complete.
1) Student Bingo Activity

Add little competition in the classroom and get students talking to each other with this BINGO activity. It also works great in classrooms that might only have one or two new students. The concept is simple: students walk around the room trying to find peers who match the descriptions in each Bingo square—like "can do a pirouette" or "has a sibling at this school." Instead of the simple one line BINGO win, have students aim for a "blackout" board where all boxes must be signed. Download the Free Student Bingo Activity Here!

2) Introduce Classroom Rules with a Musical Twist

Create an inclusive environment by having students help create your classroom rules. Not only does it develop their critical thinking skills, but it also promotes ownership of the rules and responsibility.

How to: Play themed songs and have students guess or create a classroom rule/norm based on the songs. Example: Play Aretha Franklin's "Respect" and have students brainstorm (independently or in groups) how that would look like in your room. When the song is done playing they can share their ideas with the class. Finally, take their ideas and create a classroom rule to implement.

Here are links to a themed playlist that includes school appropriate songs for all ages:

Are you a subscriber? Here are other back-to-school options you have access to:

  • Community Building Unit: Full of activities, this beginning dance unit dance was designed to create a welcoming environment and help students feel comfortable and connected.

  • Instant Dance Activities: These are perfect for those moments when you need a quick, engaging activity that doesn’t require any prep. We offer a variety of activities and games under the Teacher Resources: Activities/Games section. The most popular include:

    • Instant Activities: Strengthen & Community Build

    • Thanksgiving/Fall Activities/Games

    • Vocabulary Relay Race

  • Goal-Setting with Students: Use a modifiable syllabus reward sheet to encourage students to set personal dance goals. Worksheet is found in the Behind The Teaching: Beginning of the Year Section.

  • Student Survey: Get to know your dance & theater students' goals and accomplishments with a quick beginning/end of year survey found in the Teacher Resources: Worksheet section.

  • Incorporating Mindfulness and Dynamic Warm-Ups

    Teach students how to prepare for class by incorporating simple breathing exercises or dynamic warmups that can help students transition into the dance mindset, especially after a long day at school. The designing your own dynamic warmup worksheet can be found in the Teaching Resources: Worksheets section.

Not a subscriber but these look interesting?

  1. A selection of these resources are available for purchase at our printable store.

  2. Become a subscriber! New resources like these are released monthly.

  3. Use these ideas to design your own activities along a similar theme.

Remember, building a strong classroom community starts with the little things you do every day. So go ahead, try out these ideas, and watch your students thrive all year long!


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